The A-Team

Hover over cards for more details.


Logo Design

New Media major with a concentration in Animation (2024). Primarily responsible for the redesign of UNC Asheville's "Rocky the Bulldog" and creation of an updated branding sheet.


Web Development

Senior New Media major with a concentration in Interactive Media (2024). Primarily responsible for the design, formatting, and coding of the launch site.


Design Research

New Media major expecting to graduate in 2025. Resposibilites include creating mockups, collecting historical research of the university's logo, and provided input towards the design.



Senior New Media major with a concentration in Video Design (2024). Responsible for all video content launching the new logo, as well as conducting/leading interviews.

As part of the University of North Carolina Asheville (UNCA) student body, we decided to focus our senior Capstone on the redesign of our Academic and Athletic logos. With backgrounds and academic experience in New Media, we believed our team could sucessfully redesign Rocky the Bulldog's identity.
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